june favorites

Every month, I feel as if the same thought crosses my mind -- the month flew by faster than we could have planned for, and though there were days that I wish would have slowed down or hurried up, we got through it all with so many great memories to look back on. June was incredible and as summer kicked off, we started going on more adventures, exploring new places, and staying up way past our bedtime. These are the days that make summer great - and also makes it so hard to narrow my shots down to only 9 favorites.

Through it all, I found TWO new locations that I can't wait to shoot at and also added a new feature to my business -- newsletters! Now, if you're reading this and haven't signed up, I encourage you to. These aren't the newsletters you'll want to delete. They won't be often (at most once a month) advertising current specials, trends, things to look forward to, etc. And if you're curious about the two new locations, please inquire about them! I'm dying to shoot there and will probably offer you a killer discount you don't want to turn down.

So after going through my June gallery, pulling in assistance, and finally narrowing down my list of favorites, these are it... I hope you enjoy!